An Introduction To Cosmology.

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 The universe is after all is really meant with some basic and complicated topics which needs a real concepts and that needs a separate space to be studied. Well more over every single thing want its own identity to be done in this whole universe it needs its own structure, its own study, its own way of enviromenting and etc. with all pohilosphical aspects.

The above paragraph can be summarized by saying-

“Why not to study  things with respect to the terms of observing the things particularly with their own philosophical and our sets of mind”.

Now, as I said we too want a seprate study to have the knowledge of The grand design of universe so we too have a different field to study them because even a child know that the  universe may be all about……..

with structures on a vast range of scales
 planets orbit stars
stars are collected into galaxies
galaxies are gravitationally bound into clusters
 even clusters of galaxies are found within larger superclusters

and many more………..
that’s really confusing I guess.

so in which field we gonna study this well I guess we got some thing to know more about them yes, its all about


Cosmology is the study of the universe, or cosmos, regarded as a whole. Attempting
to cover the study of the entire universe.

The universe is after all richly textured form its history and till now with its every minute
And every seconds. It would have been easy to get every single thing about universe if this line would have been existing as a truth…………

   “The existence of an idealized perfectly smooth, model universe.”

Cosmology and Astronomy comes with the same aspects and can be summarized as

Astronomy is probably the oldest of all the sciences. It differs from virtually all other science disciplines in that it is not possible to carry out experimental tests in the laboratory. Instead, the astronomer can only observe what he sees in the

Universe and see if his observations fit the theories that have been put forward.Astronomers do, however, have one great advantage: in the Universe, there exist extreme states of matter which would be impossible to create here on Earth. This allows astronomers to make tests of key theories, such as Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.We will see how two precise sets of observations, made with very simple instruments in the sixteenth century, were able to lead to a signifi cant understanding of our Solar System. In turn, these helped in the formulation of Newton’s Theory of Gravity and subsequently Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity – a theory of gravity which underpins the whole of modern cosmology. In order that these observations may be understood, some of the basics of observational astronomy are also discussed.

Cosmology binds up all the real concepts existing in the universe which really not easy to understand the complicity of the term UNIVERSE

 A remarkable fact about the universe we find ourselves in is that it is capable of sustaining a planet like the Earth and the complex chemistry of life. On this planet we have achieved an understanding of the vast universe we inhabit, but this has been
achieved only in the past century. It was only as recently as the 1920s that we began to get a glimpse of the vastness of the universe of galaxies. The discovery of the microwave background radiation and the realization that the universe began in a hot Big Bang dates back only to 1965.
And it is only since the beginning of the new millennium that cosmology has become a precision science, with a strong consensus emerging about what kind of universe we inhabit.

That was all possible because of the existence of really a wide term named “cosmology”

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